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Welcome to ArtFreaks.com!

This is a free and friendly website for amateur and professional artists, writers, poets, craft workers and photographers to show their work to the world!


Free upload gallery for artists and photographers

An amateur artist attempt at a protrait of Demi Lovato

Members can upload low-resolution images of their art and photography here - for sharing, general display to the public, getting more exposure for their art - and to invite comment, criticism and ratings of their work. Members are very welcome to post links back to their own websites or publish their contact details if the want to sell their art and photography.
Browse the art and photography of hundreds of site members. All levels are welcome - from beginners and amateurs up to fully professional artists and photographers.



Top tips for artists and photographers of all levels

Canadian Pacific Railways CP 8856 Powering through Early Snow

The Articles section of the site houses a database of art and photography tips and short articles that members have written. The idea is that this section of the site will form a knowledge-base of articles on different subjects that can easily be sorted and viewed in one place. Members are encouraged to upload new articles, in order to contribute to the database and to pass on their top tips, knowledge and experiences. Members and Guest visitors to the site can rate and comment on the articles which Members have uploaded to the database. Rating and commenting on the individual articles helps to highlight the best and the most popular ones - making it easier for Members and Guest visitors to quickly sort the articles by the most viewed; those with the highest ratings; articles with the most comments and a number of other fields, in order find the most useful ones for their purpose.




Members' art and photography blogs

The Jao Prayah river in Bangkok, Thailand - as viewed from the Taksin Bridge

Members can create as many blogs as they like in this area of the site. The blogs can be about anything at all - (as long as they are within the site guidelines, of course) - so there is no need to stick to purely art or photography subjects. A blog is nothing more than an online diary and it really doesn't matter whether-or-not you think that your blog will be of any interest to anyone else. If you want to use our blog to promote your art or photography - or just to keep an online diary of events that are important to you in your life, please sign-up for your free membership of artfreaks.com and get blogging now!



Download high resolution images and other files

purple orchid

High resolution photography images and other files for download... Members can upload their full, original high-resolution photo files for others - (including Guest visitors to the site) - to download here. Downloads can be provided free of charge or on a pay-per-download basis. Other file-types allowed are short video clips, .srt subtitle files and electronic flash card sets.



Forums for discussing art, photography and other topics of general interest

View of the Esbjerg dokhavn or harbour and the vandtarn or water tower

It seems that discussion forums are 'old hat' these days and forums-based websites are considered, by many, to be a relic from the age or the dinasours!! No matter... artfreaks.com was originally - (in the first decade of the 21st century, by the way!) a forums-based website - with a gallery tagged-on for good measure. Now, with the Articles, Blogs and Downloads areas of the site, artfreaks.com is so much more than that - but the Forums are staying. Some people still like them... If you don't, then please do feel quite free to ignore them completely!


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    Jose Paolo Pascua
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    Kiat Kiat boy
    By Jennifer Rolfe,
  • Recent posts in the Forums

    • Maybe we should put cling film, or something, on all the pages we DON'T want them to stamp?!!
    • I don't know why they don't just start in the middle. Miss a few pages. Then do the back. Then carry on somewhere near the 1st page. But never straight away on the 1st page... (Leave that one, until the rest of the passport is completely chockers...) 😭
    • What is it, with Immigration Officers?!! 'Brand new passport.. I now have an entry stamp for Thailand on the 2nd page... (Electronic gates on exit). And an entry stamp for the Philippines on the 3rd page. The 1st page is, OF COURSE, completely blank! 🤔🤔🙄😏
    • And they keep slipping in little things here and there to almost MAKE you use their flippin cloud services AI and all the rest of that bullshit! Not so long ago, we used to opt in or decide to subscribe to extra functionality. IF we wanted it. Now? You almost have to fight your way out if it!   I tried deleting Microsoft Edge and OneDrive altogether - just to save me from having to disable these programs from automatically starting up, every time I rebooted my laptop. Then my Windows wouldn't work until the laptop had gone through all it's "undo changes" - and all the rest of that routine. I was quite busy that day... 'Just as well I had another machine up and running at the time, so I could get on with some work!   Talking of which...    
    • Microsoft are a pain in the arse, the way they keep changing everything, just for the sake of change. No useful improvements - just unnecessary changes to make it look like they are doing something for their money.   If it ain't broke - DON'T FIX IT!!   Microsoft Word... The version I had up to a few days ago was absolutely fine... Then here comes another one of their endless updates - and now I have to look around all over the place - just to perform the simple, routine tasks that were second nature to me - until the other day!
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