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New Registrations

Angry Dragon

New registrations at artfreaks.com have now been re-enabled. However, in an attempt to minimize the number of spammers trying to get their foot in the door, I have introduced certain restrictions with regards to register-able email addresses and the like. 

If you are - or have been having problems with regards to registering a new account, please feel free to email me at:


If you have got to the stage where you are waiting for Admin approval, you will also need to drop me a very brief email, just to let me know that you are genuinely interested in joining the site.



Note: Whenever anyone gets past the Admin approval, they are automatically placed in the New Members group.

New Members have a somewhat limited ability to post in the Forums, upload images in the Gallery, etc., etc... But once they have introduced themselves, posted a comment, or whatever - (basically proving that they are not potential spammers) - they normally get upgraded to the Full Members group pretty quickly.


Vic (Site-owner)



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