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  1. In my gallery, is the official online addition of my first graphic novella. In it I carefully laid out a 50-page graphic novella as a series of questions and answers between a character named Kyle

  2. blogentry-2061-025492800 1278748735_thumOil paintings and oil painting reproductions at best price. Find thousands of genuine hand-painted oil paintings on canvas and oil painting from godpaint.com. We
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    I got into the field of animation because animation is beautiful. Taking something that is still or something that you have created and moving it. You are creating and bringing life. I've always loved movies and I've always loved animations. The stories were great, but there was more to it. I could feel what the character felt and it felt like they were real. The movement was beautiful, close to life but not quite, it was very different. Anyway, animation opened up a whole new realm of opportunities for me. There's so much more to it than people realize. It allows me a chance to indulge in all of my senses and forms of expression. Background design, character design, object design, hands-on sculpture, stop motion animation, texture, sound effects, music, story, writing, and more and more, the possibilities are endless.

    That's all I wanted to say for now. My gallery is small right now but I have tons of projects in the works (I have so many unfinished ideas) as well as some projects that need to be finished for my freelance clients. But check back often as I will keep on updating. Be sure to check out my other places on the web as well!

    If you ever want to find me somewhere, just search ShinyHubbCap (my internet handle!)

    Meaning of ShinyHubbCap- Well, my name is Julie Hubbard. My nickname is Jewels, everybody calls me Jewels. Jewels are shiny. "Shiny" is another nickname somebody gave me. When I think "Hub" I think Hubcap. My last name is Hubbard. so ShinyHubbCap is like my name. 'Get it? :)

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    When you think of art whats the first thing that comes to your mind??? the correct answer is...EVERYTHING.everything is art nothing on this earth could be possible without art, i look at any and everything as an "art opportunity". and i guess this is why im getting better and better everyday. here is a challenge i want you to do. i do this everyday at school. next time you see an object by itself i want you to draw it. it can be as simple as a cup, but draw it 5 times, the first time drawing it as it is and the next 4 times drawing t different than before. don't get frustrated if it didn't turn out how you wanted it to. there is no such things as mistakes in art only mis-perception.this activity will start to really spark your imagination and increase your ability. in about a weeks time you will see yourself free-handing better than when you started!!! send me comments on ideas to help an artist or tell me how this little activity helped you.


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    Here are a few more sketches, please check the Members Album on Gallery-- My art's named - ' My Quest to become an artist'. Thank u for spending ur time to read this. Love u.

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    So, first entry.

    New here, so on and so forth...I'm a hobbyist photographer, with main interests lying in photographing insects/other invertebrates. I don't have a fancy camera, but I do spend time making sure everything that needs to be in focus is the light conditions are just right etc etc.

    So yes, will hopefully be uploading some images soon.

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    Hey there, I'm new here. :D

    I decided to join this for art people to comment on my artwork.

    As you know, I'm only 14 and I do hope I get comments from people telling me how to improve. :D


    Ciel from Kuroshitsuji



    Tenryuuji Noa from Rhapsody In Heaven.

    Please leave comments. :D

    Thanks. :DDDD

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    Ever since I was a little child I was afraid of dying. The thing that scares me the most is the fact you are no more; your just not here anymore. I’m terrified of leaving everyone behind once I go; just that thought alone scares me to death. What happens to you after you die? I am also worried by the unknown of dying and, what happens to your soul. I have had many people in my family pass away. The one that had me face my fears the most was my dad’s own passing.

    My dad passed away when I was eighteen years old; it will be two years in February. My dad had cancer and was put into remission, but about six to eight months later he was diagnosed again and was terminally ill. After we found out he was terminally ill the doctors said he had a month to live; in the end that’s all we had left with him.

    When we brought him home we got hospice in right away. Hospice is a service where they bring in a death bed, have a nurse that comes in a few times a week and I want to say she was a social worker who came in to be there for us. My mom, brother and I all witness he slowly pass away. The only good thing about him passing that way, instead of a freak accident, is that we all got to say good bye to him.

    It’s hard to admit that there are good things that can come from someone close to you dying. After you go through something like that it changes you; sometimes bad but also it can be a good change. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I haven’t faced that; it has also made me face my own fear of death.

    I believe that my dad is still with us; I believe his spirit is here watching over my family and me. I have always believed that there is some form spirituality out there; even through my own confusion with my belief of God. My belief of there is life after death became even stronger after my dad left us. When I didn’t believe in God anymore I used to picture where my dad was. I would imagine a lake in the middle of the woods, at night time, even though it was dark outside it wasn’t freighting. Knowing my dad is with us gives me comfort for when I die one day.

    If I were to die tomorrow I know my dad would be there. I wouldn’t be with the rest of my family and friends, but I would still be with people I know. I would love to see my dad again but I can’t until I met my end. Just to hear him say I love you again would be amazing. I hold on to the hope that we will see each other again one day.

    After watching my own dad die I am less afraid to die. I know he will be there for me when I need him, just in a different way now. Of course it stills scares me, but I feel a little less scared of it now. It’s going to happen one day, so why not try to see the positive from it. That’s how I like to view the world; always look for the positive in a bad situation.

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  3. There are many styles and trends in fine art in the world (from naive art to hyperrealism). Ufolism is a young trend in the visual arts. Its founder is the Russian artist DiezelSun (Alexander Tatarnikov). In his paintings, he depicts ancient Gods (representatives of the extraterrestrial world). Ancient artifacts are good sources for the realization of creative ideas. Many ancient artifacts depict an extraterrestrial world. In some of the artist's paintings there is romanticism, because beautiful women are depicted (Goddesses of love, Goddesses of fertility, etc.) Also, this topic is related to the theory and hypothesis of Paleocontact, all this is very interesting and you begin to think about the history of the Earth, and the Earth's history is not simple.




    Ancient symbolism in the artist's work.


  4. Booster box is related to collectible card games (CCGs) and trading card games (TCGs).

    Booster Box

    A booster box typically contains multiple booster packs, each containing a random assortment of cards. Depending on the game, a booster box might hold anywhere from 24 to 36 packs. ⁤This bulk purchase offers players and collectors the chance to expand their collections significantly while increasing the odds of pulling rare or powerful cards. ⁤You can buy a single pack, one box, or bulk orders of these booster boxes from a licensed supplier. ⁤Nowadays, you can easily purchase these kinds of cards from either a physical store or an online market; just make sure that the box that they offer you is legit and licensed. ⁤

    ⁤Community and Trading

    ⁤Booster boxes foster a sense of community among players and collectors. ⁤⁤Many card enthusiasts enjoy opening packs together, sharing their excitement, and discussing strategies. ⁤⁤After unboxing, trading cards with friends or at local game shops becomes a social activity, strengthening bonds within the community. ⁤

    ⁤Potential Investment ⁤

    For some collectors, booster boxes are not just about the cards themselves, but also their investment potential. Rare cards can appreciate significantly in value over time, and buying a booster box offers a way to invest in a larger number of cards at once. This speculative aspect adds another layer of intrigue to the collectible experience. Based on my own experience, I buy bulk orders of booster boxes. I make video content while opening it. If I'm lucky enough to get a high value card, I post it on the online market so that card collectors can buy it. The profit I made for that transaction will now be my capital to buy for a new box/boxes. Imagine, the value of a single rare card can buy 1-10 new boxes.


    Please allow me to promote the YouTube channel of my business partner. Check the link below if you want to know more about card collecting and booster boxes; please leave a comment or just watch videos from this YouTube channel - https://youtube.com/@kwcollects?si=1NilWNOGA8vs13G5 



    Michelle Rolfe (2024)








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    "Greenovation" explores the intricate relationship between political systems and environmental issues. As climate change and ecological degradation become increasingly urgent, understanding how political decisions impact our planet is vital.


    "Greenovation" aims to inspire informed discussions about the crucial link between politics and the environment. Join us as we navigate the challenges and opportunities in creating a sustainable future.

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