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hello everyone!!!!

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hello there.....

Hello people...Sorry I haven't been on here but have had all kinds of things going on.....like new drawings and playing with digital painting.....What fun it is learning a lot and still more to learn I think its endless...lol...... And I am including a sample with me as the star....lol.....enjoy



Greetings everyone!!!!

How is everyone doing????? This is a picture of a state park near us....Kool ....huh......hope you are checking out my art work ????? I will be adding on more soon.......everyone is really nice on the website artwanted.com......and here also.....Plan on doing some xmas presents that include my artwork for friends an relatives this year so i will busy but i will stop in here from time to time......Take care everyone.......and Blessed Be......



new art work coming

Well I am working on a very kool drawing will be posting it very soon and it will be for sale on artwanted.com.....I like it alot and so do my coworkers......will post it tomarrow thats 11-22... so just check an see.....what i have come up with.......Thanks everyone ........blessed be.......



A bit about myself

I grew up in Wisconsin USA....Haven't been hardly anywhere just a few states . Grew up on a beef farm, feed cows, chickens, sheep etc. We had lots of cats and a dog. Love the country life - none like it. Our family is full of artists both my older sisters are artists and I have followed also had a great great aunt that was a good artist even have her painting from the early 1900's....kool huh.....anyway I have drawn from the day I picked up a pencil I am very sure its in my blood....lol....



hello everyone!!!

Since this web site does not have any protection on right clicking I ask anyone who would like to see my drawings to go to......artwanted.com and look me up. My name is Martha Cable and you can find my portfolio of drawings and photography by clicking on the slideshow images below: <embed src="http://www.ArtWanted.com/widget/w.swf?r=23179&a=38385&d=scroll&th=blackgradient&k=Random" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="400" height="250" name="Widget" al



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