I have been reading where Google has released information that it may start putting it's first page ranking up for bids on search. To me this would hurt the small business people that do not have the budgets of the large corporations.
The example that I saw used one dollar per click as an example which could be bid as high as five dollars per click. Man...I can just see Google sending me a bill saying today 5000 people clicked on my sight and bought nothing...that will be $5000 please. No w
Seems lately that I have so many distractions that I find no time left to paint. First it took me quite a while to learn how to put up my own website. http://www.papadanart.com. This I finally accomplished with the help of yahoo's small business tools. You will not realize the accomplishment of building a website for a guy that still carries a dumb phone.
Then we have the distractions of other folks, usually family, that think every little snag in their life should be a great emergency for
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