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So, first entry.

New here, so on and so forth...I'm a hobbyist photographer, with main interests lying in photographing insects/other invertebrates. I don't have a fancy camera, but I do spend time making sure everything that needs to be in focus is the light conditions are just right etc etc.

So yes, will hopefully be uploading some images soon.



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  • Root Admin

Thanks for starting a blog - and your interest in ArtFreaks.com! You are now a Full Member of the site so fire-away with those images of yours! :)

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Hi to all. Soon I will place some art of recycled stuff and others from a Belgian guy who is looking for acceptance worldwide.

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  • Root Admin
On 3/11/2015 at 8:36 PM, HaJo666 said:

Hi to all. Soon I will place some art of recycled stuff and others from a Belgian guy who is looking for acceptance worldwide.

We are still waiting... Take your time - no rush!!  :):rofl:

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