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My Art Portal or User Portal Concept...




A user portal is a portal for one specific user,<br>a country, a city, a municipality, a museum, a company etc.<br>It shows and it has links to those art works that might be relevant to that specific user.<br>The User Portal logo is the arch of Septimus Severus in Forum Romanum, Rome.<br><br>Why User Portals?<br>The short and simple answer is to serve my customers better and to seve customers that are not familiar with computers, with internet etc.<br><br>I'll show you a User Portal.<br>I am building the Aarhus City Portal right now.<br>Aarhus City is the second largest city in Denmark.<br>Aarhus City has 225.000 inhabitants.<br>So, this user portal intends to serve 225.000 users.<br><br>The first thing to do is to create motifs that describe Aarhus City.<br>I went to Aarhus and found buildings and landmarks of Aarhus, that I could use.<br>The new museum, the city hall tower, the queen's summer residence, the Theater, a house in the Old Town, the cathedral and finally the old cathedral office in St. Clemen's Courtyard.<br><br>Today I finished these motifs:<br><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-29-aarhus-aros-art-museum.jpg" ALT="artblog-29-aarhus-aros-art-museum (14k image)" hspace="10" vspace="10" HEIGHT=250 WIDTH=173><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-29-aarhus-arne-jacobsen-tower.jpg" ALT="artblog-29-aarhus-arne-jacobsen-tower (16k image)" hspace="10" vspace="10" HEIGHT=250 WIDTH=174><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-29-aarhus-marselisborg.jpg" ALT="artblog-29-aarhus-marselisborg (8k image)" hspace="10" vspace="10" HEIGHT=172 WIDTH=250><br><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-29-aarhus-the-theater.jpg" ALT="artblog-29-aarhus-the-theater (9k image)" hspace="10" vspace="10" HEIGHT=172 WIDTH=250><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-29-aarhus-old-town-mansard.jpg" ALT="artblog-29-aarhus-old-town-mansard (13k image)" hspace="10" vspace="10" HEIGHT=250 WIDTH=173><br><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-29-aarhus-cathedral.jpg" ALT="artblog-29-aarhus-cathedral (6k image)" hspace="10" vspace="10" HEIGHT=250 WIDTH=181><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-29-aarhus-clemens.jpg" ALT="artblog-29-aarhus-clemens (12k image)" hspace="10" vspace="10" HEIGHT=168 WIDTH=250><br><br>I load large files of all the images to print on demand contracting parties in Salt Lake City, Seattle, and San Francisco Bay Area. The images are approved at once in Salt Lake City and Seattle. In San Francisco the images might wait for approval.<br><br>First of all I use a User Portal logo.<br><br><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-29-portal.jpg" ALT="artblog-29-portal (14k image)" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="left" HEIGHT=192 WIDTH=250>The logo is of course a portal. In a matter of fact it is a very specific portal. It is the Arch of Septimus Severus, which was erected in the Roman Forum in A.D. 203 by the Roman Emperor Septimus Severus.<br>You can't study Roman history without visiting the Roman Forum once.<br>You can't visit the Roman Forum without passing through the Arch of Septimus Severus.<br>In this logo a BETA will shown in the big arch. That is because the 40 different User Portals, that have been launched so far are being tested.<br>The Aarhus City Portal is marked with a BETA, too.<br clear=all><br>See the <a href="http://www.lonvig.org/aarhus-city.htm">Aarhus City Portal</a>.<br>The motifs are presented. Here 7 motifs. You might see an enlargement by clicking on an image.<br>Then there are 3 sections. <span style="font-weight:bold;">1, 2 and 3.</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;">1.</span> The user must have some free titbit. So I give him the possibility to download three Word documents of each motif. Word documents that can be printed on the user's own printer.<br>I have to be aware of different formats in European and American standards. The European standard is A format and the American standard it is Letter format. The Aarhus City Portal probably will only be used by Europeans - therefore the A format is offered.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;">2.</span> Here I guide the user to order print at print on demand contracting parties. One in Salt Lake City, one in Seattle and one in San Francisco Bay area.<br>By guiding to 3 print on demand contracting parties the users are offered a variety of sizes, prices, qualities and surfaces.<br>At the same time I keep track of what happens in this market.<br><br>The prices are kept low - the user only pays the base print price and internet costs. The user can order prints in sizes from 3.5 x 5



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