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When you think of art whats the first thing that comes to your mind??? the correct answer is...EVERYTHING.everything is art nothing on this earth could be possible without art, i look at any and everything as an "art opportunity". and i guess this is why im getting better and better everyday. here is a challenge i want you to do. i do this everyday at school. next time you see an object by itself i want you to draw it. it can be as simple as a cup, but draw it 5 times, the first time drawing it as it is and the next 4 times drawing t different than before. don't get frustrated if it didn't turn out how you wanted it to. there is no such things as mistakes in art only mis-perception.this activity will start to really spark your imagination and increase your ability. in about a weeks time you will see yourself free-handing better than when you started!!! send me comments on ideas to help an artist or tell me how this little activity helped you.




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