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Cyber Rando the Berzerker
© Rando/Randowis belongs to Randowis
Credit VoxFoxTalks for th amazing intro


“We could not beat him on earth... his power grew with every fallen foe until even our mightiest skyscrapers where just play-things to topple. There was no muscle, nor metal, nor atom that could best such a titan... so we had to use our mental fortitude to defeat him that way. But no bottomless pit or boiling sea could hold him... so we looked towards the infinite, to the stars. If we could not best him on our planet, then let another try their might against him. When he entered the rocket, it was a stroke of luck, as it was to get the damned thing to launch with him inside... but it did not get far out of earths reaches, as he broke out of it next to our moon and crashed in mighty explosion. This did not stop him, of course, for he brushed it off like it was nothing, like always... however, we succeeded in some capacity, for now he was trapped not on our rock, but our neighboring stone. He tried to leave, we saw him try so many times, but he cannot escape the gravity it has, of all the laws that could finally cripple the monster it was the very one that worked so hard to prevent us from reaching the heavens, and we couldn’t be more thankful for it this time... So now the beast calls our name, but we do not answer, and now he trains over and over, no breaks taken ever. We live in peace now, but there will come a day when his training will pay off and he will break the shackles of his newfound prison... but this will not happen for a while, we see this...... but when it does happen, and I pray that I will not be alive to see it, the worst kind of hellfire will be rained upon our kind, mountains to be shattered to splinters and oceans to be turned to steam... for the crimes we apparently placed upon him, humanity will know what a gods wrath truly is... a god we made, a god we could not erase... a god who knows no mercy. May we find our own meaning and happiness until his return...”

-Voxton Foxford's Thoughts on the Monstrous Rando.


VoxFoxTalks for th amazing intro


© Rando/Randowis belongs to Randowis

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