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Showing content with the highest reputation since 10/24/2009 in Files
4 points
4 points
Version 1.0.0
Just a photo of some cows in the field outside the back of our house in the Philippines - (before they started to build a load of houses on it...) You can download the full 4.2MB file for free, if you want to make a print of this. (I just uploaded this by way of a test, to make sure that the Downloads section of artfreaks.com is working just fine!)Free3 points -
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A pastel painting of Canadian Pacific Railway CP 8856 Powering through early winter snow. From an excellent photo by Canadian photographer Jim Winsor. (Photo used with Jim's very kind permission.) The photo was taken in October 2011 and Jim writes: "This was so far the most significant snowfall we have had yet this year. I braved the elements today to capture this rare for me image of such a beauty. I arrived at this location and it was dull and overcast which soon gave way to a lite blowing snowfall. This beauty could be heard off in the distance and low and behold, out of the blowing snow she came."Free3 points -
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Version 01
A view, looking through the kitchen window, of a lovely countryside cottage garden with a nice little fishpond - which, of course, just had to have some lovely koi swimming in it!! My first ever pastel painting that was done purely from imagination, with no photographic reference material whatsoever.Free2 points -
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Version 2
Purely from imagination. The feathers are well 'over the top.' It's a kind of self-portrait... Kind of how I would like to imagine myself as a native North American Indian with my very own style of feathery headdress... Loads and loads of feathers and colors all over the place!Free2 points -
Just a quick pastel painting of a Filipina teenage girl, cellphone in-hand, texting away in the doorway of a rural cottage where I used to visit the family in the Southern Philippines. From one of my own photos. I don't know why but I can never seem to get the faces right on either of the two youngest sisters in that family...Free2 points -
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Version 1.0.0
A beautiful field of golden grain, ready for harvest at the tail-end of summer in Sjaelland, Denmark. This is a free download for anyone who would like a copy of the original full resolution image file' You can see more of these in one of my Members own albums in the artfreaks.com Gallery at: https://www.artfreaks.com/album/517-denmark/ And, if you want the full image files for any of my other photos, you only have to ask! Vic Rolfe 24th October, 2019Free2 points -
Here is a free WinZip file with a collection of 25 of my very first (and extremely crude!) attempts at pastel painting. The zip file has been uploaded, more as a means of testing the feasability and usefulness of the whole zip thing with the Downloads module of ArtFreaks.com. I would be very interested to hear from anyone who has trouble extracting the individual image files from this zip archive.Free2 points -
Internationally renowned photographer David Noton very kindly gave me permission to use his photograph Portrait of a girl, Vang Vieng, Laos as the basis for a practise painting - and I did warn him that the results of my efforts would probably end-up bearing very little resemblance to his excellent photo. I wasn't wrong!! If you check-out the link, above, you will see that the subject of the photo was a child - whereas my feable attempt has made her look like a young lady. Still, even though this looks nothing like the girl in the photo, I kind of like her strange expression - and I did have fun trying with this one! Members can view and comment on this image in the Gallery at: http://www.artfreaks.com/forums/index.php/gallery/image/6225-vang-vieng-girl-in-her-early-twenties/ Prints and gift items featuring this image are available on ArtWanted.com at: http://www.artwanted.com/imageproducts.cfm?ID=1271385&RID=23179Free2 points -
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"If My People Pray" by JCrisanto Martinez Acrylic and mixed-media on Burlap 18" x 24" 2010 This is the flier for JCrisanto Martinez's 5th solo exhibition, entitled: "Unqualified Saints" The exhibition opens on July 03, 2010 and will run until July 16, 2010 at: Sigwada Art Gallery 1921 Oroquieta St., Sta. Cruz, Manila, Philippines. For inquiries please contact: (+63 2) 743 5873 or email: cil_pagaduan@yahoo.com (By the way... Why do Filipinos nearly always call an 'exhibition' an "exhibit...?!!" For info... an 'exhibit' refers to just one of the items on display at an exhibition of several or many items.)Free2 points -
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Acrylic paint manufactured in Australia, England, Denmark, France, Germany and the United States. Agitated with brushes, palette knives, hair dryers, sponges, chopsticks and ir blown out of my mouth. Painting surface is masonite. Rainbow: Size approximately 24" X 20" Crows: Size approximately 22" X 9"Free2 points -
They are drawing by 9 year old Shelby Eissler. She has been drawing since she wa big enough to hold a crayon. She has Type 1 Diabetes and is hoping to someday sell her art to help find a cure for Diabetes. She also enjoys using molding clay to create people and animals. She has a cartoon style to her drawings. She enjoys drawing her favortie T.V. characters. Please let Shelby know what she can do to improve and flurish as she will tell you the only desire she has in life is to be an artist.Free2 points -
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