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Showing content with the highest reputation since 10/24/2009 in Posts

  1. GOOGLE-MICROSOFT In the first year after I retired from FT work, July 1999 to July 2000, Google officially became the world's largest search engine. With its introduction of a billion-page index by June 2000 much of the internet's content became available in a searchable format at one search engine. In the next several years, 2000-2005, as I was retiring from PT work as well as casual and most volunteer activity that had occupied me for decades, Google entered into a series of partnerships and made a series of innovations that brought their vast internet enterprize billions of users in the international marketplace. Not only did Google have billions of users, but internet users like myself throughout the world gained access to billions of web documents in Google
    3 points
  2. Thank you, Vic, for the membership. I couldn't see anywhere to post an intro. so I thought I'd do it here with an odd rag bag of pics. I chose the image server because of the large thumbnails and wouldn't invite anyone without a pop-up blocker to click on them - it's not an attempt at spamming, it's just that any decent image server tends to ban me.
    3 points
  3. i am a huge fan of the batman comics... i have to say i was very skeptical of (RIP) Heath Ledgers roll as the joker... but I dont think it could have been played better by anyone else. Too be honest... Jack Nickolson did not cut it... so i pose this question... what if batman (Cristian Bale) and the JOker (Heath Ledger)???? i dootled this earlier... ?
    3 points
  4. Whatever happened to uncommon sense? Don't give up on the human race just yet unless you and I are the only ones left who are perfect. Ask yourself what you do which might well fall outside the concept of 'sense', common or not. Do you believe in fairies, santa or god? How often do you thank 'luck' for your good fortune or blame someone else for your misfotunes? When was the last time you drank to excss or had a cigarette or ate too much, or self-medicated. How often do you believe what you hear without question, especially if its from a friend? When did you last have a premonition or deja voi? Do you read your stars, or have your fortune read or talk to the dead or not listen to the living? Sense isn't always common and common isn't always sense. Education provides the basis for good sense. Those who assume they know it all might well do with a lesson or 2 in the basics.
    3 points
  5. For some people no sense is common sense.
    3 points
  6. We were born with "common sense", but over-education ruined it. Specialisation furthered its death. And now, the decomposition is starting.
    3 points
  7. ArtFreaks.com is more than an art site... Even art freaks have lives outside of their art - and I would like to think of this website as a place where people can just drop by and enjoy a friendly chat, post their news, plug their own high quality websites and generally chill-out for a few minutes after a busy day! So... As far as I am concerned, it is very valid for you to post here!
    3 points
  8. People Who Loves smb eventually loves artfreak. I'm not alcoholic, I just joined artfreak because of its main topic which is all about arts, artfreak's a very useful site, though I'm not sure if it's valid for me to do my posts here. Hence, I enjoyed reading and posting in this site.. P.S I love Philippines!
    3 points
  9. Naalala ko yung hotel sa Ilocos No bidet or tabo sa cr, kasi most of the visitors foreigner. 12midnight tumawag pa kami sa lobby para lang sa tabo 😂
    2 points
  10. Definitely more Hygienic than toilet paper. I'm glad that I am Asian, because I grow up using "Tabo" not just for washing but you can also use it for bath.😂
    2 points
  11. Hello everyone I am just taking a minute to send a greeting out and let you know I am making this my new home. I had some bad vibrations over at myshippassion.com and am now making this my comfortable new home. I like the way well, I'll say one member here makes you feel.......WELCOME. I hope some more of you will reach out to make me feel at home here as well as most of you are very silent, I find. And it seems hard to get you out of the woodwork. Vic has a very good thing going here and I hope no one spoils it for him as what is happening to the other site. It only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole barrel I find. I hope Vic you can keep the rules strictly enforced here. As things were really going down hill elsewhere and no one was stepping up to the plate to make any enforcement. Again I hope to see more than Vic on here. So a big warm hello from your friend from Canada and I hope everyone gets to see and enjoy my work here and over at custom freaks.
    2 points
  12. I have been working on a MA and these works show my current interests.
    2 points
  13. Here is a little bit of fruit art and a poll on which appeals to most people. Go ahead, and vote! I used the Flemish technique in painting these. They are all 8" X 10" oils on masonite board. Apple 1 Apple 2 Apple 3 So which will it be? Go ahead and click on a thumbnail, this forum is fantastic in that it will blow the picture up for you to see all the details! WOW! Great hoogly moogly! I wish my site had this capability! Interested in learning this technique?
    2 points
  14. Blooms in Water Color for Mommies & Grannies Paint pretty flowers you can display in your home using water color. In this class moms will learn the various techniques in water color painting, de-stress, relax, and let their creativity and imagination loose. Projects will be various blooms and vibrant colors to soothe and please the eyes and the heart. With Teacher Marcial Pontillas Landscape Wonders for Daddies and Grand Daddies Be an expert Landscape painter using watercolors and make the ordinary landscapes come alive. Awaken the artist child in you with this water color class that will teach the basics of watercolor landscape painting. Get away from the busyness of the day and relax as you let the paint and the brush clear your mind. With Teacher Marcial Pontillas Arts & Crafts for KIDS (4-8 Years Old), Tweens (9-12 Years Old) & Teens (13 & up) Theme: Earth Avengers Educate, empower and impassion kids to care and preserve the environment. Each session is filled with stories, discussions, and arts & crafts activities that will spark environmental awareness and enhance your child's skills and artistic prowess. With Teacher Rigette Gutierrez Drawing & Painting for KIDS (4-8 Years Old), Tweens (9-12 Years Old) & Teens (13 & up) Learn the basic elements of design such as Art Materials, Colors, Lines, Shapes, Form, & Texture in a fun and exciting way! Kids will experience using different mediums such as pencil, oil pastel, water color, acrylic paint and sometimes they could even mix them all together! With Teacher Ryan Ladyong Fun Photography 8 Years Old & Above Learn to see in a more creative way and shoot away! Learn to use available light, shadows, form and texture to take stunningly beautiful pictures. Become more familiar with your camera and its functions. Other Art Workshops Available: Oil Pastel Pen & Ink Anime & Comic Strip Sculpture Oil & Acrylic Painting Air Brush Happy Yoga Photography Photo Manipulation My Little Art Place 409.4122 • 0915.939.5723 222 Wilson Street, Greenhills, San Juan City, Philippines • facebook.com/mylittleartplace
    2 points
  15. Hi Artfreak Peeps! Kamusta and Mabuhay! I am Rodny and I am a Product Designer and professional Illustrator. I am new here and would like to share some know-how about digital painting in Photoshop. Below images show the process of my painting in photoshop. I would love to share more techniques about digital painting using photoshop or painter with you all and some advice to get into the business, I know it's hard I was struggling designer when I started too. Here's another digital art I finished already using photoshop. Hong Mei Li is a red assassin, clean-up after a kill painting. Would love to hear your messages. I have more digital arts and 3D in my website, feel free to browse the gallery if u have any questions about the technique I did u can email or send me a message on my website. Cheers! Rodny Mella
    2 points
  16. Hey guys! I know I haven't been on too much lately, I apologize. My life has been sort of chaotic, but now I've got the time and I've been posting new photos on my facebook page, and realized not too many of my friends are even interested to look at my stuff. Now I don't know how you all would feel, but in my personal opinion, it sucks. You'd think you're friends would want to support the things you love, but I guess not everyone has had time for all that. Does anyone else ever feel the same though? Or is it just my friends who kind of suck? haha, I'm just curious cause sometimes I feel like there's no point to putting out my photos for my friends to see. Majority of them just seem to ignore it and move on. So I made a blog for my photography in hopes of finding people who are genuinely interested in my work, and I hope to make new friends from the experience. I know I have talked to a couple of you on here, and I would love to talk to anyone who is interested. so feel free to chat me up! =] Also, I would love to know how all of your friends react to your work, and things you have done to get your work out there to be appreciated by the world looking forward to your feed back! =] peace & love!
    2 points
  17. Some of my latest water drop photography. Not my best shots but some turned out nice. I did these on my lunch break using a Canon 5D Mark II and a Canon MP-E 65mm 1x-5x macro lens. www(dot)bubblews.com/news/794375-water-drop-photography "Not Found" error. URL edited by smb to minimize broken links on artfreaks.com
    2 points
  18. Laughed until tears ran down my cheeks!!! Have a great year, kaibigan ko. Eduardo
    2 points
  19. Hello one and all, Righty, see there is a lot of peeps here but not much activity. For those of you who don't know me, which is probably 99% of you, I'm NullBoss. My gallery can be seen here: http://www.artfreaks.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=gallery&mid=2095&userMode=all&sid=ae92d1206834fa2fbe6a184d27f5c059 Now we've gotten that outta the way, you can see I'm a digital artist who specializes in the darker/macabre side of art with a nice mix of sci fi and fantasy. Whats I#m proposing here is this: If there is anyone out there who is looking for a challenge and something new, how about you collaborate with me on a piece of work? Hm? The preferred style would of course be digital as it's easier that way but we can always work around that. So if anyone is interested reply here or hit me up directly, I don't know about you, but I'd like to challenge myself a bit. Peace! PS. I will happily work with artists of any caliber, skill or media isn 't an issue.
    2 points
  20. Hi Group, I've been experimenting with mixed media (watercolor, pencil, pen) and the fine art of cartooning. It is an interesting and challenging hobby but I enjoy the creative process. I will be posting my work for review and feedback. All thoughts and criticism will be appreciated. Bob
    2 points
  21. Thanks - I post my most recent stuff first (I have been posting cartoons on animal/pet forums) but I'm open to any channel or theme to get a laugh (with the caveat that I do not want to offend or insult). Bob
    2 points
  22. " Those who brew the poison of cruelty will not win, tomorrow or today. The can put out the lamps where lovers meet. They can't blind the moon." Afiz Ahmed Afiz
    2 points
  23. Hello, So I am pretty new to this whole online forum thing. Do people really engage with eachother here? How do you make new friends and be apart of the community?
    2 points
  24. Hey folks, I think over all Artfreaks is a great place, I've not had chance to frequent much until now, Smb is a great bloke and works very hard to keep this place interesting and maintained so kudo's to him. I feel that the site struggles with the main thing most sites do, members and constant posts. Tha'ts expected, still I like this place enough to keep coming back and slamming my ton's of art down and dropping the new stuff so it ain't all bad. Keep up the good work Smb and everyone else? C'mon, let's get more stuff up!
    2 points
  25. As well as those listed I have two more. I'm sure you all know www.Deviantart.com and a new one which I'm digging at the moment: http://www.wysp.ws/
    2 points
  26. Par: Diep la muse française. In the twinkling of her eyes there was depth and breadth. And in those shared smiles, was an understanding of the vast linguistic paradigm to heal. “Médecines sans frontières” was in the gift of her brainchild, as she prepared for a test. “I wa jinjutsu” had been held before her birth, as “Medicine, the art of compassion” had been already defined and practiced by one of Asia’s brains. With each pounding heart beat, Billions of cells danced on the consciousness of learning. Here came the sun unrelenting its warm on her notes. While it was an humble pen, all the while sitting in the silhouettes of her brilliance. Écoles des Médicines; La Sorbonne, Université de Paris. Eduardo A. Cong. Poet, and playwright. Monday, June 10, 13
    2 points
  27. This is a debate that I'm having with an artist and art critic in another forum. If you look in my gallery I just submitted a piece using the Grim Reaper as a theme. This piece was actually done at the request of several different internet bone gallery's I've become involved with lately. You know Skulls, skeletons, sole catchers, grim reaper, Death all that Goth crap. Any way this critic was angry with me for drawing it. This is a direct Quote " Awesome dude ,,err not I personally find this stuff embarrassing - Now there's a challenge creating a tribal art of our time - designing new tattoos," This was my rebuttal This may be true, yet there is one universal truth about art. All art is tribal. Take this piece. Truthfully the content contained in this drawing is not for every ones (or tribes if you will), taste. If I were to show this at my moms bingo club (or tribe) or maybe show this at my aunt church group (or tribe) I would be run out and stoned. This would not be to their taste. I do understand that some would find this type of content shocking, disgusting and even embarrassing. Yet this is what true art is about . What is just lovely to some tribes is always shocking, disgusting and even embarrassing to other tribes. This piece on the other hand was not drawn for those particular tribes that find this type of content shocking, disgusting and even embarrassing. In fact this reaction (shocking, disgusting and even embarrassing) was the reaction I was hoping to extract from those particular tribes. So thank you for that input. No it was draw, as what is going to be a series of grims for the gallerys of a particular group of tribes that have a taste for this sort of content. I like submitting to this forum because the critiques I receive here are insightful and those who give them, One... they do not focus on the type of content, Two... rather they focus on the technical aspects of that content. This has helped me to step up my game if you will so that I can produce a better piece of art in the particular content that I have chosen for the particular tribes that I have aimed the piece at. Making me a better artist. Of course He harshly disagreed. To me all art is tribal. Most people out there do not what the be molded into a group or a certain type of person, yet buy their actions they do so. They end up associating with those with the same likes, tastes and attitudes. This a tribe. Regardless if they will admit it or not. As for art. Sophisticates feel the need to put a name to every different type of art style that comes along. This is so the heaving masses of different tribes out there can have and explanation for themselves to justify there reasons for liking or disliking a particular type of art even to the point of trying to put a ban another tribes art because the they don't understand the content and it stirs a feeling in them that makes them uncomfortable. We as artists feel that we have an obligation to break down those barriers. Yet we also have a need to be noticed to get a little attention. That is why we create then put the content of that creation on display. If we are truly unique but are ignored, though we may continue to be unique for ourselves, we will ultimately create for a certain group or tribe. We justify this buy saying that we are just trying to get a little recognition so we can go back to being unique. If then our unique style suddenly becomes recognized giving us the attention we crave we will continue with what works. Though we may create different variations on that style as we grow older, we will never really grow out of it. The sophisticates then will put a name to this style or we ourselves will name it thus creating a new tribe. (Those who's tastes fit that style). Then that particular art form and tribe will grow beyond us. Other artists wanting recognition will then emulate our unique style crushing its uniqueness. Thus the tribe matures and takes on a life of it own. Lets face it all art is tribal. Your thoughts. Thanks Eddie Top
    2 points
  28. You make a good point. I've come back to creating art after about a decade and a half or more burn out. By the mid 90's it became about the money only. It was no longer fun. Now I'm back, just checking out other artists work and creating again. Not looking to make money. I agree with RussellChapmen. I don't want somebody else stealing my pieces and making money off of them. (That has happened to me, In a very big way). If I see them being used for nonprofit purposes "fantastic!" I love it. As smb said; more feathers in the cap but I would like to have my work attributed correctly also. That is only fair. Money will destroy ones love for art. When a young person asks me for a tip on how they can break into the business, I always say, (my one and only tip): DON'T CALL IT A BUSINESS.
    2 points
  29. Hey all. I'm a struggling amature comic arist, I LOVE producing comics but struggle to make interesting and dynamic pannels. That and I can't seem to be able to keep my drive long enough to maintain constant production. SO! Anyone got an ideas, hits or tips that may help? Cheers.
    2 points
  30. Wow, there are some beautiful photos you created. The most impressive is the "autumn in the park". It must have been amazing to be there to capture the moment.
    2 points
  31. about to post some stuff now actually =] and I've been thinking about putting up a blog on here as well. I just don't have the best track record for keeping up with them, so I'm going see how this one goes first. So maybe here in the next few weeks I'll get one started on here =]
    2 points
  32. I can see that you have put a lot of thought and work into your site,Vic. It is good that you have the knowledge to do the things here that you accomplish. Dan
    2 points
  33. There is noting wrong with an "older art". This painting is great. There is much older paintings then that one. Lets see the renaissance paintings. Do you know haw they were painted?
    2 points
  34. Thank you for the tips, I'll check out artfreaks and artwanted tomorrow. I haven't thought about downloads of my works so that is an area I haven't tried yet.
    2 points
  35. Welcome, glad you are here! Lots of room for participation. Each brings something different.
    2 points
  36. I know this is a late post to this topic but I must say that there is a need for a site like this. I previously checked out a few sites and found them to be a bit stuffy, in my opinion. As stated above most have an active life away from the art. I wish more people would stick around and post topics and replies to make the site more active. Activity attracts activity!
    2 points
  37. Hi: I'm a new member. Being new I don't quite understand the overtones and the undertones of the introduction protocols: I'm just going to write it short and straight. Of course I'm an artist. I paint only in oils. I often lay in a painting (avergage size about 30"X40") with a broad construction type pencial, holding it with only 2 fingers, my thumb and my forefinger. After roughly laying it in, I continue to work it up with usually oil pastels. I like Senelier's but can't always afford it, so use what I have. Beside Senelier's is for finish work, it's too precious to use at the beginning. After that I'll start working in oils, but I'll still use oil pastels as part of my workup medium. After I start, if I like the way the picture is going, I work fairly intensely for at least 8 hours a day, drinking mostly coffee, maybe with a little Napa Valley Red. I work from about 2 in the afternoon until about 10 at night. If I work intensely I usually finish a new picture in about a week. I can do about 50 pictures a year, if the financies are right and I can buy paints and brushes and other materials. To get away from the art and to refresh myself, I like physical outdoor participant sports-climbing, tennis, skiing, I have a mountain and a road bike, and I usually start my day by running on the street at least 30 minutes each morning. It's not a lot of fun but you feel better afterwords. I've spent the last 6 months working on building an art website, with a large photogallery. It was very hard for me because I am no webmaster, that's why it took me so long. I finally finished and got it up about a month ago. I hope to be able to get used to this website and to be able to visit the galleries of the very creative and gifted artists who display and blog here. Starr
    2 points
  38. I think you make a fair point. I don't mind people using my general photography as long as they attribute it correctly and they are not trying to profit from it. My general work is here at Flickr However for my gallery prints, I don't put these online at full size as they are strictly limited editions and I can't afford to devalue them for those who collect my work. Happy new year ))
    2 points
  39. That is a very nice painting, the dew on the petals and leaves look so realistic. I can see how you work with the colors and it really catches the emotion of the person looking at the painting.
    2 points
  40. Despite the scattered national and global ignorance, there is a galvanization developing, the world over. Its symptoms were proffered by Arundhati Roi's observation in: "Another world is not only possible. She is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."
    2 points
  41. Just when I wanted to be serious, I had a relapse. Now I can't work out whether to be a deep and meaningful new aged photographer trying to find the meaning of it all or just some yobbo out there taking pictures. Actually, if you asked my wife, she would say I'm an egotistic, arrogant, know-it-all who should be kept away from public gatherings for fear I will be offensive to someone. I'll try to behave. Whichever I am I'm glad to be here. I'll have a look around and see where I can start. I might get a photo or two or an opinion or three up before the end of the night.
    2 points
  42. Yes, such a beautiful painting -- so alive!
    2 points
  43. This is a wonderful artwork. I think the dew on the petals are alright. Perhaps, you could put some more on the leaves as well as the other parts of the rose. Thanks for sharing!
    2 points
  44. These Flowers are beautiful you are so talented.
    2 points
  45. That sounds like a classic idea! I approve. Keep me informed of all the details mate! Keep up the good work my man.
    2 points
  46. Awesome, if you want we can get this moved to there? if it would make things easier?
    2 points
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