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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/13/2024 in Posts

  1. GOOGLE-MICROSOFT In the first year after I retired from FT work, July 1999 to July 2000, Google officially became the world's largest search engine. With its introduction of a billion-page index by June 2000 much of the internet's content became available in a searchable format at one search engine. In the next several years, 2000-2005, as I was retiring from PT work as well as casual and most volunteer activity that had occupied me for decades, Google entered into a series of partnerships and made a series of innovations that brought their vast internet enterprize billions of users in the international marketplace. Not only did Google have billions of users, but internet users like myself throughout the world gained access to billions of web documents in Google
    2 points
  2. Naalala ko yung hotel sa Ilocos No bidet or tabo sa cr, kasi most of the visitors foreigner. 12midnight tumawag pa kami sa lobby para lang sa tabo 😂
    2 points
  3. Definitely more Hygienic than toilet paper. I'm glad that I am Asian, because I grow up using "Tabo" not just for washing but you can also use it for bath.😂
    2 points
  4. Whatever happened to uncommon sense? Don't give up on the human race just yet unless you and I are the only ones left who are perfect. Ask yourself what you do which might well fall outside the concept of 'sense', common or not. Do you believe in fairies, santa or god? How often do you thank 'luck' for your good fortune or blame someone else for your misfotunes? When was the last time you drank to excss or had a cigarette or ate too much, or self-medicated. How often do you believe what you hear without question, especially if its from a friend? When did you last have a premonition or deja voi? Do you read your stars, or have your fortune read or talk to the dead or not listen to the living? Sense isn't always common and common isn't always sense. Education provides the basis for good sense. Those who assume they know it all might well do with a lesson or 2 in the basics.
    2 points
  5. For some people no sense is common sense.
    2 points
  6. We were born with "common sense", but over-education ruined it. Specialisation furthered its death. And now, the decomposition is starting.
    2 points
  7. hahahahaha tabo is the key yess
    1 point
  8. Hello everyone I am just taking a minute to send a greeting out and let you know I am making this my new home. I had some bad vibrations over at myshippassion.com and am now making this my comfortable new home. I like the way well, I'll say one member here makes you feel.......WELCOME. I hope some more of you will reach out to make me feel at home here as well as most of you are very silent, I find. And it seems hard to get you out of the woodwork. Vic has a very good thing going here and I hope no one spoils it for him as what is happening to the other site. It only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole barrel I find. I hope Vic you can keep the rules strictly enforced here. As things were really going down hill elsewhere and no one was stepping up to the plate to make any enforcement. Again I hope to see more than Vic on here. So a big warm hello from your friend from Canada and I hope everyone gets to see and enjoy my work here and over at custom freaks.
    1 point
  9. Thank you, Vic, for the membership. I couldn't see anywhere to post an intro. so I thought I'd do it here with an odd rag bag of pics. I chose the image server because of the large thumbnails and wouldn't invite anyone without a pop-up blocker to click on them - it's not an attempt at spamming, it's just that any decent image server tends to ban me.
    1 point
  10. Don't wipe your bum... Wash it!! And avoid wasting toilet paper... The bum-washer... A simple bit of plumbing can reduce the necessity for panic buying every time you think there may be a shortage of bog roll!?!! And, I would venture, it's a lot more hygienic.
    1 point
  11. i am a huge fan of the batman comics... i have to say i was very skeptical of (RIP) Heath Ledgers roll as the joker... but I dont think it could have been played better by anyone else. Too be honest... Jack Nickolson did not cut it... so i pose this question... what if batman (Cristian Bale) and the JOker (Heath Ledger)???? i dootled this earlier... ?
    1 point
  12. i am just starting with my feeble attempts at painting. but it's not too soon to blog about wat i do. if u guyz ever have the patience, take a look at www.ashikaprabakar.tumblr.com. leave your comments and criticism. you'll find link to my fb page Di! Di is what i hope wud be a successful brand waaaaaaaaaay in the future.
    1 point
  13. IMAGINATION, CREATION & PSYCHIC INTEGRATION “Man may be, in a figurative sense, in prison, but he has also been given a large bunch of keys and several files. The fundamental and undeniable fact about the imagination is that its purpose is to intensify the life in man.” So wrote the prolific English writer Colin Wilson(1931-).1 His book is, he says, “a study of the inaccuracies of the imagination, because the inaccuracies of different imaginations tend to cancel one another out, and what is left is a perception of the general laws of imagination. Hence this book could be called an attempt at a classification of unrealities, with a view to defining the concept of reality.” –Ron Price with thanks to 1Colin Wilson, The Strength to Dream, 1962. You published this book when I was getting ready to write my university entrance examinations and beginning my travel-pioneering for the Canadian Baha’i community. I did not read and begin to enjoy this book until I was teaching literature to another set of university entrance kids. Imagination is a great power of my soul but stands in need of guidance&control to be part of an eternal act of creation for this world is all one continued vision of fancy, imagination, psychic integration.1 1 William Blake, William Wordsworth, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Biographia Literaria, Oxford UP, London, 1954, chapter 13 quoted in Dimensions of Spirituality, J.A. McLean, George Ronald, Oxford, 1994, pp. 194-5. Ron Price 5 November 2011
    1 point
  14. NICE ONE! I'm sure that is an opinion MANY people can relate to. Those that can't are.... questionable people. Robert Anton Wilson has a VERY interesting take on the whole war situation... Taken from his official website: www.rawilson.com [CHECK IT OUT] "Thought for the Month Just as a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day, even a Christian Fundamentalist gets a savvy notion every now and then. I think rev. Robertson had a good idea when he suggested replacing war with assassination in one case, on economic grounds. He merely didn't carry the concept far enough. I suggest that we should abolish war utterly and replace it entirely with selective assassination. Think about the savings this would mean, in this age when even our ?little? wars cost billions of dollars a year, and remember the cogent observation of the late Senator Dirkson: "A billion here, a billion there - pretty soon you're talking about REAL Money." We've already gotten our national debt so high that our posterity "unto the seventh generation" will never pay it off; do we really need to enslave the whole future to the international bankers? On the moral side, killing a few dozen foreigners a year instead of a few hundred thousand should seem less messy, to say the least of it, especially when you consider the collateral damage to our own side. How much blood and death do we need? Reversing a sentimental error of the '60s, the new anti-war slogan should be MAKE ASSASSINATIONS, NOT WARS. And, best of all, if this idea catches on internationally we can expect at least 50 contracts on George Bush the first week. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------" http://www.rawilson.com/thoughts.shtml
    1 point
  15. "Soft heads harm more than hard artillery."
    1 point
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