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Everything posted by lexx

  1. IAFT is granting scholarship programs to aspiring filmmakers. The scholarship open to all applicants who express a strong desire to learn professional film making skills. The scholoarship is offered to all filmmakers without respect to race, gender, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, or country of origin. Applicants can be at beginner level or experienced professionals who might wish to change their careers. With an emphasis on total immersion in the course, the successful applicant should expect to set aside any other job or program he or she might be enrolled in. For details kindly please visit - Filmschool (dot) ph
  2. IAFT is a film school that offers courses which combine theory, practice, and application. We offer our students the experience of hands-on-training with Hollywood professionals who serve as our faculty mentors. We also offer our students the opportunity to have applied industry experience with our sister company Bigfoot Entertainment. Our expectation is to train quality industry professionals who can then be recruited to work in Bigfoot Entertainment or other industry-related businesses.
  3. A few days ago, I got into a discussion with my uncle who feels that there's really no need for anyone to study film much more to take up an immersion course for a year. I'm 21 and I decided to take an immersion film course at the International Academy of Film and Television. (Link deleted by smb...) ('Blowed my parents mind off when I told them it was in Asia!). Although I understand where he is coming from, I beg to disagree with him on a lot of things. If there's anything that I've learned is school is that film making demands the integration of many kinds of knowledge and skill that one gets from hands-on training, classroom instruction and actual film production. These are the why's that help you answer the how's!
  4. Hello Everyone! Just introducing myself. Im Alex I am probably one of the newest in this group. I love films. I would just like to contribute to something creative, no matter how small.
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