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Jiří Antonín Votypka

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Everything posted by Jiří Antonín Votypka

  1. Jiří Antonín Votypka


    Pro umělecké foto, které nelze jinam zařadit
  2. Jiří Antonín Votypka


    Krása České republiky ve středu Evropy
  3. From the album: Bohemia

    Advent 2019 in Prague, Czechoslovakia
  4. From the album: Bohemia

    Advent candles - 2019
  5. From the album: Bohemia

    Christmas card depicting a wooden carving of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - with a palm tree in the background.
  6. From the album: Bohemia

    Buh žehná svému světu a hrozí lidem a jejich zlu a mamonu ("God blesses his world and threatens people and their evil and mammon" - or something like that! According to Google Translate, anyway...) Autoprtret J.V. Myslbeka jako Boha Kostel sv Ludmily – Praha Vinohrady
  7. From the album: Bohemia

    Wooden carving depicting Joseph, with Mary and Jesus riding on a Donkey
  8. From the album: Bohemia

    Dávnými trofejemi panských nimrodů se zámek loučí s návštěvníky The ancient trophies of the nymrods of the chateau leave the castle with visitors (or something like that... according to Google Translate!) Foto Yvona a Jiří Votýpkovi 2019
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