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Everything posted by FunkyBoy

  1. From the album: Warhammer

    Member of my Sons of Horus Warhammer 30k army
  2. From the album: Warhammer

    Part of a rag tag warband following in the wake of the Sons of Horus
  3. From the album: Warhammer

    Member of my Sons of Horus Warhammer 30k army
  4. From the album: Warhammer

    Member of my Sons of Horus Warhammer 30k army
  5. From the album: Warhammer

    Part of a rag tag warband following in the wake of the Sons of Horus
  6. From the album: Other Work

    "Upon deciding his fate and choosing to let the last flame become an ember then ash, Rando let the lands become swallowed in darkness, breaking the cycle. However, now a ruler of a dead land slowly Rando's mind degraded over the many empty centuries and he became as hollow as all the souls he had consumed to reach his lofty, but now cursed existence. Whispers say that he wandered back to a particular, in the undead berg, where he now resides in it's shaded depths, like a tribute to it's former occupant..."

    © Rando/Randowis belongs to Randowis

  7. Alright everyone, UK's just went into lockdown due to the C Virus, I know a good few of you are over seas where shit is much worse.

    I hope you all are doing okay, stay isolated, stay strong we'll all get through this one way or another.

    Take care everyone!!

    1. smb


      You take care too!! And people... Don't get too stressed... It is important to observe the lock-down rules for the time-being, in order to prevent the National Health Service from becoming overwhelmed. But it seems that a substantial part of the UK population may already be immune. (New research from Oxford University... See my latest post in my "Dreaded Lurgy" thread in the forums...)

      'Too early to get over-excited just yet - but there is definitely a glimmer of hope!! :)

      The moral of the story, keep your immune system in peak condition - (so no stress!!) - and keep your hands clean at all times.


  8. From the album: Other Work

    Every time good old Randowis streams his art, there is always a mysterious man or men on bikes who zoom past... we call them MotoBoi and they are legend! Tried a new style of rough and loose for this one, it allowed me to finish the image much faster.

    © Rando/Randowis belongs to Randowis

  9. From the album: Other Work

    Fan art of the creators character of "We Live In An MMO!?" Rando, the creator Randowis is rad, check out his stuff here: https://randowis.com/category/we-live-in-an-mmo/

    © Rando and "We Live In An MMO!?" belong to Randowis

  10. From the album: Warhammer

    The first member of a warband for Mordheim, always wanted to make one so with some new kits from Frostgrave and Perry Miniatures, I feel it gives the rough rag tag feel where as prior I was issuing empire soldiers and sigmarites which didn’t quite feel right.
  11. From the album: Warhammer

    In my head cannon, he got found again, was given a Primaris Make-over and is now back in the battle! Needless to say this was a kitbash/conversion of a Primaris Lieutenant with bits from like, 3 other kits? However, I felt it necessary to have a Primaris version of my regular marine of one of the Crimson Fists greatest heros!
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