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About CBee

  • Birthday 08/28/1954

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Heerenveen-the Netherlands
  • Interests
    paintings, pictures and drawings (so art in general !).

    horses, horse-riding en horse&carriage competitions.

    artistic people

    Hello members of ArtFreaks.com Forums,

    I am Chrissy, live in the Netherlands, female and 56 years of age. i would like to teach myself a bit of painting, because I can't do courses and workshops.
    I have a braindamage-related disability, that inables me to pick up enough informations in the way you should, normaly.....

    I also try reading and understandig things I read in artbooks and explaining-based books on trying to paint yourself.

    I hope by membership of this forum, you can help me with some anwers I cannot find myself on the internet or by asking people in my local environment( eeeek, difficult word to spell!)

    but my most important reason is: being interested in what artistic people all over the world like to share with "soulmates" or wahatever one calls him-or herself.

    are those criteria clear enough to tbecome a member here, please?

    kind regards .Chrisssy

CBee's Achievements

Nil Point!

Nil Point! (1/8)



  1. smb

    Happy Birthday! ..And come back to ArtFreaks.com soon!

  2. Hi Rachel, Great way of teaching art: a lot of people don't want to be in a course where one is expected tot be every single week on a set day or time,they will love your (no!(rules)way of teaching. wish tou and your art class-contenders all the best ! love: (Chrissy) =cBee from Holland
  3. smb

    Oh! And when you decide to have a go at painting, don't be shy! Upload the results here in the Gallery! This website is for all levels of artists but the main focus is on amateur art and helping each-other with tips and experiences. Complete beginners are very welcome to upload their attempts at art here and they will be appreciated for doing-so!

  4. smb

    Hello and welcome to ArtFreaks.com!

    You are now a Full Member of the Forums, so you can enjoy unrestricted posting here now.

    Please feel free to start new topics in the Forums - and don't hesitate to ask me if you have any problems with how to use the site...

    Happy posting! :D

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