That is the point. Physical galleries are not as needed as they were, nor are agents, because we have the web. The web is actually becoming a far more effective place to show and will continue to improve. We also have coffee shops in this region that have shows that do very well, while there is a gallery directly across the street that is not doing well at all. We also have many events in this area that are very successful. People come from around the world to visit our Renaissance Fair in Kansas City. Here in this tiny little river town we have a fall art show that brings people in from all across the country. Events and websites are very effective ways to sell, but still require some theme. People just don't buy unknown art for investing like they once did. They buy it to have a token of some place they visited or something they were part of.
It really isn't about the selling. It is more about making a difference with me ~ to do some good. I do art to have an impact. If I get paid ~ that is good only in that it provides funds to do more art.
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