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  1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/69618608@N08/ My grandparents have come under some major financial stress and they're house is in jeopardy. They had these paintings they have collected over the years and are trying to find out if they have any real significance and might have something that could help them financially. There is one that appears to be one of the "Highwaymen" from Florida in the 50's and 60's that I have had someone on the Highwaymen website verify that it is Livingston Roberts' work, but he never replied back to me to give me a title of the painting or any other information. Any help anyone can offer would mean a great deal to me and my family. All the pictures in the link above have all the information I have under them. I think most of these were purchased in Florida if the helps any. Thanks in advance, Kevin
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