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Everything posted by sizzors

  1. Thank you for the tips, I'll check out artfreaks and artwanted tomorrow. I haven't thought about downloads of my works so that is an area I haven't tried yet.
  2. Hello I am new to this site. I am an amateur digital artist, I have not sold any prints of my works yet. I just started putting my prints up for sale on fine art America in May of this year. So far I have used twitter, Redgage and stumble upon to market my works. My website is http://jacob-king.artistwebsites.com/index.html If you have any marketing tips I would love to hear them, in addition if you have any feedback on my work from the site above please let me know. Feedback whether negative or positive is highly cherished. This post has been promoted to an article
  3. Hello, I am new to this site. I am an amateur digital artist, I have not sold any prints of my works yet. I just started putting my prints up for sale on fine art America in May of this year. So far I have used Twitter, Redgage and Stumble Upon to market my works. If you have any marketing tips I would love to hear them. In addition, if you have any feedback on my work from the sites above please let me know. Feedback whether negative or positive is highly cherished.
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