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Zahna Flemming Smith

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Zahna Flemming Smith last won the day on July 29 2014

Zahna Flemming Smith had the most liked content!

About Zahna Flemming Smith

  • Birthday 07/10/1981

Contact Methods

  • Facebook/Messenger

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  • Interests
    Painting, drawing, crafts, jewelry making, tattoo artwork, graphic design, photography, digital imagery and website creation

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Nil Point! (1/8)



  1. Hello, So I am pretty new to this whole online forum thing. Do people really engage with eachother here? How do you make new friends and be apart of the community?
  2. I like this piece because it reminds me of Nathan Explosion from Dethklok. Ever seen?
  3. Zahna Flemming Smith

    Zahna's paintings

    Here are a few of my paintings I have done. Some have already been sold or gifted. Just some samples of what I can do.
  4. Hello and welcome to ArtFreaks.com! Sorry about the cumbersome registration process - it's the only way that I can keep the spammers out these days. You can get a free upgrade to the Full Members group, simply by updating your profile, posting a few comments or uploading some art or photography in the Gallery. As a spam control measure, New Members have some restrictions with regards to posting and things like messaging, uploading files in the Downloads module, etc...

    1. Zahna Flemming Smith

      Zahna Flemming Smith

      Thanks, I'm kinda new to online forums

    2. smb


      You are very welcome here! As a Full Member now, if you have got any art tips that you would like to share, you can upload an article here:


    3. smb


      There's a link to the Top Tips (Members Articles) section of the site in the main navigation menu at the top of the page. (Depending on your screen resolution, you might find it under "More")

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