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Everything posted by smb

  1. smb

    temples of khajurao

    I'd like to see those temples! Got any pictures you can post? (Just use the "Img" button and insert a URL...)
  2. I love Rock and Roll (Led Zep, Judas Priest Lynerd Skynherd - all that stuff!!). I also love a lot of classical music and I adore Italian opera. esp. Puccini and Donizetti! What can I do for music? Give it a bad name, probably!!
  3. One thing I really like about http://www.bobongbooks.com is that the site owner has kept to only two categories in his forums and the number of forums within those categories is also very limited. This makes it very easy on the eye for anyone visiting his forums for the first time. So, in view of this, I will I will introduce a new forum for games but, I would ask users if they could make do with the existsing forums for the following:- The classroom - Please start a new thread for this in "Arts in General" Family Discussions - Please post these in "General Chat" Classifieds - Please use the "Advertise" forum in "Announcements" By the way, do feel free to post company information - links to your own site, whatever. artfreaks.com is a member of http://www.honestlinks.net and we believe in an open linking policy and a WORLDWIDE WEB of quality links. All I would ask is that people state clearly, exactly where and to what the link will take them. (And click on one of my text ads - before moving on!!) :oops: Regarding the "muscle museum-art gallery for everybody," there is a forum for posting pictures but people are welcome to post pictures anywhere on these forums. (Just use the "Img" and insert a link to a picture on another website somewhwere.) For those that don't have their pictures stored on another website anywhere, there will also be a completely seperate "Photo Gallery" and "Art Gallery" (The links have already been installed on the home page but I have yet to install the actual galleries themselves. - More pennies needed! :sad: ) anyway, when those two galleries are up and running, people will be able to post their photos - or pictures of their art, directly from their hard drives. Have fun!! :grin:
  4. When I get a chance, I'm gonna down-load some more wacky emoticons! :ANAL:
  5. Yeah! That's me!!! Joke! No... I do talk to much - and I KNOW when I'm right. But let's be fair - we can't live on ideals alone. Somewhere along the line, there has to be a balance between idealism and realism.
  6. I smoke cigars. It makes me look like the stinking exhaust pipe of a badly maintained truck! But I don't smoke indoors and I don't smoke my cigars in front of other people...
  7. Actually, I forget to post a follow-up to this... I've updated the reank names and they are now as follows:- 0 - 19: Scribbler 20 - 49: Scrawler 50 - 99: Getting There! 100 - 199: A cool artist! 200 - 499: Already Famous! 500 Plus: Maestro / Maestra!
  8. smb

    temples of khajurao

    I don't know - but if they are, it sounds good to me! Seriously, tell us more...!
  9. He he!! I'm an apprentice now!!! 20 posts and counting...
  10. And VERY nice it is too!! Don't forget a link to artfreaks.com on your links page...
  11. smb


    Uh, ok! Thanks for the info. If I get 2 secs from this mayhem of trying to get two sites into some sort of shape, I'll take a look. I just got a real rollocking from an adviser over those frames, so they had to go... :cry: Right... just to see if I can get this ball rolling, I'm gonna TRY and get a friend of mine to post some of her stuff, so do please check in from time to time...
  12. Perhaps you believe that your smoking habit is just YOUR problem. But did you ever stop to think about why non-smokers are so outspoken about smoking in public? The second-hand smoke issue is highly charged and it is still hotly debated. What's your opinion on this?
  13. smb


    I've never heard of any of them... So what are Kathy Riechs and David Gemmell known for?
  14. Courtesy of Buruguday at www.bobongbooks.com
  15. Well, they are, aren't they? I've been trying for days to find a website where you can check the site statistics for any website that you like. I KNOW such a site exists but, no matter which search engine I use and what keywords I enter, all I get is the same old free web-stats and other web tools sites coming up. That is NOT what I want!!! :x :evil: :twisted: :x I have a lead, and I have sent an e-mail. WHEN I eventually find that site that I am looking for, I'll put a link to them in my "Internet Links" section. Meanwhile, you might like to take a look at this: (Link deleted... No longer active) It's well worth a read! (Well... it would have been - if it was still there!)
  16. NICE website! I like it! I especially like "Universal Energy," "Certain Limits" and "The Last Dance."
  17. Any suggestions for rank names? Curently, the ranks are as follows:- 0 to 19 posts = "Scribbler" 20 to 49 posts = "Apprentice" 50 to 99 posts = "Professional" 100 and over posts = "Master of Art"
  18. From Conrado de Quiros' column, "There's the rub," in the Philippine Daily Inquirer of Feb. 23, 2005: Ghosts (extracts) Ok. No more wars, please? And Bush... Get off your high horse! BEFORE you drag us all to hell.
  19. Lest anyone thinks that I am cracking-up - (posting away to myself?) - I am doing this in the hope that eventually, someone, somewhere, might actually find this forum interesting and join me in some lively debate...?! From the Philippine Daily Inquirer of Feb. 23, 2005: The 'Franchise' strikes back (Extracts)
  20. smb


    Very true! I'm afraid that I'm a complete philistine. (I don't even know if that is the right spelling? "Well what's he doing, trying to do, running a website for the arts, then?" You may well ask? - It's a long story...!) Who is (or was?) Laurence Boldt? Tell me more!
  21. 'Any suggestions for new categories or forums? Feel free to make as many new topics as you want! New categories and forums can only be set up by the admin. (That's me, with my other hat on!)
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