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  1. amazon.com are a great source for books on learning how to paint and learning how to draw With one of the largest ranges available on the internet, great discounts and worldwide delivery, you can't go wrong! Another great place to look is http://www.artinthemaking.com/ with "magazines, books and vacations for artists by artists from around the world."
  2. I make no secret of the fact that I am an affiliate of amazon.com... Well, I use them a lot for my own online shopping needs and I am more than happy to recommend them. And, of course, having spent years pouring money into my own website, (artfreaks.com,) it would be lovely to at least be able to break even with the cost of the server someday? Now... We all need to be able to make a living - and so much the better if we can do so, by making some money out of doing the things that we enjoy doing! If you are having any ideas about making some money by selling stock images of your digital photography, this might be a good book to read, for a little bit of grounding on the subject, before you start: Digital Stock Photography: How to Shoot and Sell And when you are ready to start selling your stock images, you might like to check this website out: www.Crestock.com
  3. Pump Up Your Skills and Advance Your Career. Looking for the best way to measure, improve and promote your career skills? Brainbench provides the opportunity to earn certifications in over 600 of today?s leading skills. Get a better job. Take a FREE online Brainbench Skills Test.
  4. Linguaphone UK have over 100 language courses available to buy online. Or you could try: power-glide.com for the "complete foreign language solution." Think you already know it? FREE Brainbench Language Certifications.
  5. Art galleries and artists offering art lessons and workshops in Manila: post your details and updates here! Just hit "reply" and let us have it! There is no need to go through a cumbersome registration process any more. You can simply post as a Guest if that makes life any easier for you? I am all for keeping things simple!!
  6. This one was doing the rounds of the internet a while back. I've just been clearing out my "in box" out but I wanted to save this one somewhere... [Edited...] 28/11/2019... Well, I did - and now it's gone!! I would have deleted the whole topic but I rather like the "Guest" post from my son, below... Those were the days when youngsters were deserting these kind of Forums-based websites in their droves. Well... artfreaks.com lives on
  7. Check this out: http://www.edwarddave.com/ Edward Dave is a sculptor from Paete Laguna, Philippines. Every artwork created by Edward reflects his deep devotion to Jesus Christ. Hence, every sculpture in his online gallery is dedicated to God Almighty.
  8. Here are two of the best books that I have ever read: Both of these are highly recommended for anyone who is interested in reading about India. A Suitable Boy - by Vikram Seth This is one of my favourite books ever. I would love to be able to read this again if ever I have the time... A real epic... So if like me, you are not a particularly fast reader, it may take you some time to get through... The book was a gripping read, page by page. It had to be, otherwise, I would never have finished it! The book is written in perfect, impeccable English - which is a real tribute to the author in itself. The novel gives a good flavour of the Indian subcontinent. It is also a very poignant love story... White Mughals: Love and Betrayal in Eighteenth-Century India - by William Dalrymple Oh, what a great read! Another one for my "read again" list before I get too old! This is one of those lovely, big fat books that just holds you from page one, right to the end. It's a kind of historical novel, set in India during the early days of the British presence in the sub-continent. I found White Mughals to be a very interesting read, with a lot of fascinating detail and description, vividly bringing to life those exciting times in the history of both Great Britain and modern day India. The plot is, apparently, based on a true love storey - which makes it even more interesting for an old romantic at heart, like myself!
  9. Let's hear about some of your favourite books! Just to kick off this topic, here are a few of my own personal book recommendations: First on my list: 1421: The Year China Discovered America - by Gavin Menzies I found this to book to be quite startling. 'Very interesting though, and a thoroughly good read... I know that some people in the Western World aren't too happy with the notion that the Chinese had been to many far-flung places around the world, long before the great European explorers - but this book does provide some quite thought-provoking evidence to the contrary. It seemed pretty well-researched to me, anyway. The book is well-written and, if nothing else, it certainly provides a new perspective on world history and some highly interesting reading. I thoroughly enjoyed the book. This may not be "Gospel". Not yet, anyway... But I, for one, tend to think that Gavin Menzies is on to something!
  10. artfreaks.com is still less than one year old. I'm pleased to see one or two artists starting to use the artfreaks.com "Art Gallery" for displaying their works but, I'll be the first to admit, the artfreaska.com forums haven't really taken off yet. I guess, a certain kind of critical mass (in terms of at least a handfull of regular posters) will be needed before that happens. In the mean time, try this for some interesting and lively arts forums: http://www.filipinoart.net/modules.php?name=Forums (Just to clarify... I have absolutely no connection with filipinoart.net. However, artfreaks.com have an "open linking" policy and if I am able to recommend a site that I think my users may find usefull, then I am more than happy to do so...) artfreaks.com will thrive - (or die a slow death?!!) on it's own merits [-o It's a free world!! :weedman:
  11. The following was posted by Shannon Keathley in the artfreaks.com "Art Gallery" ]http://www.artfreaks.com/art_gallery/index.php "I bought this painting at an auction. I live in the state of Tennessee in The United States. I am looking for any information on this painting. The back has the following written in pencil: Roger San Miguel, Fruits in Red, 1966, medium enamal on plywood. The Picture measures 18x48. It is in very good condition. Please email me any info at, keathley5@bellsouth.net " Shannon also says in an e-mail: "Hi, my name is Shannon Keathley. I'm hoping you can help me get some > > information on a painting I recently bought at an auction. It is my > > Roger San Miguel and is titled "Fruits in Red." It is dated 1965. It > > measures 18x48. Any information you can give me is greatly > > appreciated. It is painted on what looks to be plywood. "
  12. The following was received from Omma Centers of Contemporary Art, on September 23, 2005: MEMBERSHIP GALLERIES Omma Centers of Contemporary Art are a new concept in the world of art. In our galleries, located in Santa Barbara, California, USA and in Chania, Crete, Greece , we organize exhibitions both for established artists and also emerging artists of high caliber whose work we think is worth presenting. We do our best to promote them and their art not only in our galleries but also in other galleries and museums. We also organize an annual art festival in Chania- Crete, Greece, in which about 100 artists participate every year. With our new special membership program we give artists a chance to participate in our exhibitions by becoming members of our two already existing galleries. We are planning to open other galleries elsewhere in the near future. Our artists will be able to become members in these galleries too. Artists who are interested in participating in this program should send us images of their art or their website address. If we like their work, they will be accepted as members. COST: 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION US$ 185 WHAT YOU GET: With this annual subscription you can participate in 3 exhibitions a year in our galleries, in Chania and in Santa Barbara (The annual art festival is NOT included in the subscription) Each exhibition will include 2 works of yours - no size limit Shipment costs to and from the gallery at the artist's expense There is a very small number of artists we can accept, so please contact me now. For details please visit http://www.omma.gr or contact me at omma@omma.gr Best regards Despina Tunberg - curator 1221 State street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Tel & Fax (805) 963-4606 http://www.omma.gr
  13. I am a traveller Always searching for something Never finding it On the road till I die, in a far off place Where the vultures will be happy to eat my flesh! But, at least, I am free... Vic Rolfe, September 14, 2005 (Inspired by Jose Rizal's "Cantato del Viajero" - and my life in general!)
  14. The following has been reproduced from "The Native Sky: Studies in the Life and Writings of Jose Rizal." This book was published by the Office of Research and Publications, Loyola Schools, ateneo de Manila University. Copywright 2004, Miguel A. Bernard, S.J. ISBN 971-0358-00-6 The English translation of the poem is by Miguel A. Bernard, S.J In the Philippines, this excellent, interesting and informative book can be purchased from: Solidaridad Book Shop (Francisco Sionil Jose, Proprietor) 531 Padre Faura St. Ermita City of Manila Tel: 02 525 5038 or: 02 523 0870 (Having been a seaman for the last 33 years, I find this poem particulary moving. smb:) Hoja seca que vuel indecisa y arrebata violente turbion: asi vive en la tierra el viajero, sin norte, sin alma, sin patria ni amor. "A dry leaf floats undecided in the air, and a violent wind blows it away. Thus does a traveller live on earth: with no direction, no soul, no homeland and no loved one." Busca animoso doquiera la dicha, y la dicha se aleja fugaz; vana sombra que burla su anhelo; por ella viajero se lanza a lar mar. "He looks everywhere for happiness, but happiness eludes him like a shadow that mocks his desire. Yet it is to seek it that he sets out on the sea." Impedido por mano invisible vagara de confin a confin; los recuerdos le haran compania de seres queridos de un dia feliz "He goes from place to place, but an invisible hand blocks him. All he has to keep him company are his memories of loved ones and of a happy day." Una tumba quiza en el desierto hallara, dulce asilo de paz; de su patria y del mundo olvidado descansara tranquilo, tras tanto penar "At last he will find peace - in a tomb in a desert. Forgotten by his country, by the world, he will rest peacefully, all his sufferings left behind." Y le envidian al triste viajero cuando cruza la tierra veloz! Ay, no saben que dentro del alma existe un vacio do falta el amor. "And yet, people envy the traveller! They envy his ability to go easily from place to place. Ah! they don't know that in his soul is a vacuum, where love is absent." Volvera el peregrino a su patria y a sus lares tal vez volvera: y hallara por doquier nieve y ruina, amores perdidos, sepulcros no mas. "Eventually the traveller will go back to his homeland, revisiting the home of his youth. What will he find there? Snow and ruin, lost loves and tombs."
  15. "I recently read that love is entirely a matter of chemistry. That must be why my wife treats me like toxic waste." - David Bissonette =================================================== "When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her." - Sacha Guitry =================================================== "After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can't face each other, but still they stay together." =================================================== "By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." -- Socrates =================================================== "A happy marriage is a matter of giving and taking; the husband gives and the wife takes." =================================================== "Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them." -- Dumas =================================================== The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What does a woman want?" -- Freud =================================================== I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me. =================================================== "Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays." - Henny Youngman =================================================== "I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years." - Sam Kinison =================================================== "There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage." - James Holt McGavran =================================================== "I've had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the second one didn't." - Patrick Murray =================================================== It's true that all men are born free and equal, but some of them get married! =================================================== Marriage is the process of finding out what kind of man your wife would have preferred. =================================================== Marry not a tennis player. For love means nothing to them. =================================================== "Two secrets to keep your marriage brimming 1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it, 2. Whenever you're right, shut up." -- Nash =================================================== My wife only has 2 complaints. Nothing to wear and not enough closet space. =================================================== "You know what I did before I married? Anything I wanted to." -- Henny Youngman =================================================== "My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met." -- Rodney Dangerfield =================================================== "A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong." -- Milton Berle =================================================== "Marriage is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy." -- Anonymous =================================================== "I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I didn't want to interrupt her." - Rodney Dangerfield
  16. The following was received by e-mail from Satoshi Matsuyama. (quote:/...) Dear friends, How are you? Satoshi here again. I've been spending busy days because the beauty of Hawaii is calling me all day long... I've released already 6 pieces in this half of 2005. And I've done so many exhibitions all around the world in this half of 2005. Thanks for your encouragement to participate in exhibitions all around the world. Today, I'm so happy to be able to keep you posted about my latest work, called "NA PALI COAST SUN DOWN". Please check out my newest works on my website and enjoy them! Visit at http://www.love-peace-happiness.com/ and "Works 4" !!!! And please don't forget to write your answer to prayer on my guestbook! Thank you so much for your encouragements and love. Sincerely, Satoshi Newest !!! "NA PALI COAST SUN DOWN" 82.5 x 59 inches New! "WAIMEA CANYON SKY LINE" 63 x 79 inches New! "THE RAIN COMES AT THE END OF KO'OLAU RANGE TOP" 117 x 68 inches and in the product of 2005, "STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN" 38 x 59 inches "WAILUA FALLS IN THE GOLDEN TWILIGHT" 65 x 52 inches "TWISTING OF FINGERS AND GIFTED RINSE TO WASH AWAY" 52 x 39 inches "THE KING OF KINGS" 143 x 83 inches My Official Website : http://www.love-peace-happiness.com/ >>>>> visit to the top of the page "WORKS 4" or World Wide Arts Resources, Absolute Arts.com : http://www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/m/matsuyama/ >>>>>> Satoshi (unquote)
  17. I'm in Batangas City, in the Philippines, at the moment. Unfortunately, Batangas is not listed at http://weather.light-cat.com Anyway, this sounds like fun! :grin: :rock: I'll have another look when I get back to Manila...
  18. Or head scarf on. Head scarf off!! Have a look at the two Amorsolo paintings below... Fernando Amorsolo - Planting Rice - 1954 (Image courtsey of: http://www.gbtate.com ) Fernando Amorsolo - Planting Rice (Year, unknown) (Image courtesy of: http://www.allinsongallery.com ) Let me state straight away that Fernando Amorsolo is one of my favourite artists - ever. Fernando Amorsolo used to go around with a book containing photographs of his works. People could see which one they liked and he would make them a copy, with any modifications that the customer wanted. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this and, after all, Fernando Amorsolo had a large family to feed! And the fact that he painted many variations on a theme does not make his art any the less beautiful for it. In the early years of Fernando Amorsolo's career, his paintings were very affordable and many were taken home by American servicemen. There must be litterally hundreds of them in the USA today? It is very common for modern day Filipino artists of the so-called 'Mabini School' to place the "carabao on the left" in one painting and "on the right" in the next! Again, I don't have a problem with this... I like Mabini Art and I am all for "Art for the masses" - which Amorsolo's was, untill it started fetching the multi million peso prices that it does today. What do you think about "Carabao on the left - carabao on the right. Hat on - hat off?" Let's have your views!
  19. smb

    smb's struggle!

    So now, after about 2 weeks of practice - and with the aid of the most excellent book: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain I have come from this... To this... This is reputed to be Faye, from Boston, Massachusetts. It was copied from a picture that appeared in the July, 2005 edition of "Newcummers," (one of my favorite magazines!!) ***** Ok, I know that the second one is not perfect (her left shoulder is a bit too pointed and I overdone her eyelashes a bit) but I am well pleased with my drawing!! Life doesn't have to be perfect and neither do my attempts at art... The main thing is that I am happy with what I produced. Not bad, eh?!! When I made the second drawing, I seemed to have gone into some kind of a "state of "flow." I completely lost all sense of time and the drawing just seemed to flow from my pencil. (Well, Faye is extremely pretty and, I suppose, it helps when you are drawing your favorite subject!!) I have tried to repeat this experience but, without that level of success. I guess that it depends on how you are feeling at the time and various other circumstances? Even my other drawings of Faye haven't come out quite so well. Anyway, this drawing has given me the encouragement that I need to keep trying... And I hope that one day, I will be able to produce great drawings at will! Time for another beer!!!
  20. We ALL have something 'wrong' with us! Just as there is no such thing as perfect physical health (even the fittest atheletes can get a cold from time to thime!) - there is no such thing as perfect mental health. It's all a matter of degrees and realtivity.
  21. Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there. I do not sleep I am a thousand winds that blow I am the diamond glints on the snow I am the sunlight on ripened grain I am the gentle autumn rain When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the sweet uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight I am the soft stars that shine at night Do not stand at my grave and cry I am not there; I did not die So heed, hear when you awaken What I say I live with you I guard your way. A well known piece of verse, I know, but none the less moving for it. I'm not a poet and I don't even have the words to begin to desribe how powerfully emotional, this is... Melancholic, yes but with a tremendous sense of something larger than life itself? Anyone know who it was written by?
  22. smb

    smb's struggle!

    Ok... Now I have exposed myself to ridicule!!! The first batch of drawings can be seen at: http://www.artfreaks.com/forums/index.php?...um&album=11 It's about 33 years since I last attempted to make any of my own art so these are very much the "Before" drawings. Hopefully, the "After" (reading a few books and a lot of practise) ones will be a little better... Learning to draw is an exciting challenge for me. And although the standard of my work is a bit of a joke at the moment, I have to say that I am NOT in the least bit disappointed with it. Far from it! I just feel chuffed that I've finally managed to pluck up the courage and have a go at doing something that I have always admired in others - drawing life-like images. I am currently working my way through an excellent book called "Drawing on the Right side of the Brain." I'm well impressed with it so far and I'm planning to do a review of it, once I have finished it. What I can say already, though, is that far from being a big heap of technical instructions, it is an excellent tool in breaking the psychological barriers that can prevent people from drawing. Right...! Time for a beer to celebrate!!!!
  23. smb


    Inspiration to us all!! Especially when you see the results that this late starter is achieving!! When you look at Pol Ledent's work, you would think that he had been painting all his life... Awesome!! Check out Pol Ledent's portfolio at http://www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/p/pledent/
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