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Everything posted by smb

  1. Gone - but never to be forgotten. I miss you, Ploylek... Rest in Peace - and see you in the afterlife! :) :'(

  2. Certain questions in life can never be answered... I am guessing that even when my body is long dead and gone, my soul will never know when time began and when it will ever end? Equally, the question of space... Where does it actually begin? And where does it end? I don't even want to think about it. In the same tone... How or why was someone so young and with a life so full ahead of her taken form her family, her friends and, of course, me? Even when a middle-aged man like me has had so many...

  3. Just remember... If you are going to storm the stage: Be the first one up there - and the last to get dragged off!! :)

  4. Back to work. Trabaho na naman! ทำงานเพื่อเงิน

  5. Result! I haven't got the faintest idea what for - but it was a result, never the less!

  6. And why should Google consider that a link on ArtFreaks.com to another website for artists should be bad? Well, only Google can answer that but I am guessing that it's because they don't really like forums-based sites and, maybe, they also think that ArtFreaks.com is crap?! What website owners want these days are relevant "quality links" from "quality websites." I am sorry if the major search engines don't consider ArtFreaks.com as a quality website but if other crap sites have been posting their crap links here - and now they want them removed - well that is their problem, not mine!
  7. Now I do realise that having spammy links on my websites is not good for my own search engine rankings either. 'Only difference is that A ) I haven't got the time for this and B ) I don't really care about how the various search engines decide to rank any of my sites. I only do this as a hobby and I gave up ever even trying to break-even with my expenses a long time ago!
  8. Bearing in mind that this topic was started 10 years ago, I would still say that my initial post was reasonable for the time. Now, in 2015, I'll be the first to accept that search engine results have improved beyond all recognition in the last few years - to the point now where it is hard to imagine an internet without them. The funny thing is that for years, so-called SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) companies were charging website owners a fortune for posting spammy links on forums sites like ArtFreaks.com - all in an attempt to increase the so-called "link popularity" of their customers websites. One of the reasons why Google and other major search engines are so good these days, is because the algorthyms their computer programs use to give you relevant search results, now take into account what they call irrelevant back links. Basically, the shit that people have been posting on my sites for years!! So if Google sees a spammy link on one of my websites, it will give the site that it links to a lower ranking in their search results. So now, the SEO companies that spent years spamming my sites are in a right mad scramble to get ME to remove the crap links that THEY posted in the first place!! :wacko: Example: And my reply:
  9. Tip number one (for foreigners living in the Philippines...) If you don't want your kids / wife / neighbors / friends of your wife / neighbors of your wife (joke!) to make pakialaman to your cheese... Always buy the blue stuff. Any kind will do - as long as it has got mold on it! They will not touch it with a barge pole!! :D

  10. Survivor it is, then! If you are on a laptop ofr desktop computer, you can easily edit the titles, if you want to... Just click on Image Moderation then Edit Image
  11. Hello and welcome to ArtFreaks.com! Congratulations on having managed to get through our anti-spam defenses and actually register a profile here! All you need to do now, in order to get full membership of the site and unrestricted posting rights is to upload something sensible - or make a sensible comment on something. That's the only way I can tell real people from computer spam bots apart, these days...

  12. So ignore extremists trying to scare you about the threats posed by wolves. It’s nonsense. Their claims are based on fairytales, not reality.

  13. Hello and welcome to ArtFreaks.com! Congratulations on having managed to get through our anti-spam defenses and actually register a profile here! All you need to do now, in order to get full membership of the site and unrestricted posting rights is to upload something sensible - or make a sensible comment on something. That's the only way I can tell real people from computer spam bots apart, these days...

    1. manyuchi


      Does it count if I the comment is to your comment?

    2. smb


      OK, you're in! Welcome to the Full Members group and enjoy the site!

  14. Home at last!

  15. Flowers for my Valentine - (Not!)

  16. Start of a new journey...

  17. I surrender to the power of tongits - (and the distinct lack of finances for endless ladies drinks...) OK, in all fareness, when the curtains are finally closed on the Red Garter bar, I would love to be able to drive the bulldozer!

  18. Pope Francis; we love you! God speed!! :D

  19. Time for a new status update - without any rude words in it... Life is good!! :D

  20. Hey. Fuck you Globe Telecom. And Fuck the NTC. "You may have experienced temporary loss of mobile signal and internet connection...This was done in complianance with the directive of the NTC. We hope for yoy understanding...." Well Globe Telecom and the NTC can kiss my fucking arse.

  21. Haha! Surrounded by My Little Pony and Hello Kitty!
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