Version 1.0.0
This is the .srt file for the English language subtitles that I made for the unofficial ปล่อย ("Ploi") music video by a Thai band called Bodyslam. It is intended as a demonstrative sample of my ability - firstly to translate Thai musical lyrics into English and, secondly, to put these into the correct .srt file format.
In order to view the video with my English subtitles, you will need to download both the MP4 video file of the same name and this .srt subtitle file. Both files should be downloaded to the same folder on your PC. Both files need to have identical file names, (only the file extensions will differ,) in order for the English language subtitles to work when reviewing the video.
Comments on the accuracy or otherwise of my translation of the subtitles to the video will be highly welcome. Thank you!
Vic Rolfe 02/05/2019