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Found 4 results

  1. Today, I managed to get started on a new pastel painting. (Apart from finishing-off another one that I started last year sometime, this is my first art of 2012!!) The initial outline of my painting, at the end of the first session. Up until today, I had only ever painted from photographs. Photography is a hobby of mine and, as much as possible, I try to use my own photographs as reference material. However, my printer has been out of ink for some time and I have not been able to buy a replacement cartridge. So, today was different! For the first time ever, I started something purely from scratch, using nothing more than my imagination. Having just about run out of excuses, to put off the day when I knew I had to pick up a stick of pastel again; I attached a blank sheet of paper to my board. And then I sat there and just stared at it, refusing to leave my studio until a scene came into my mind and pastel had been applied to paper. At one point, I even considered taking-up abstract art painting! I thought about just putting a few random strokes of colour on the paper and then seeing what developed from that. Later, I almost started to attempt a mighty steam locomotive pulling a train past a station platform - which, for some reason, was going to be full of people completely wrapped-up in their cell phones... Anyway, a pretty tame scene that I knew I could handle purely from imagination, with no reference material at all, came to mind. It's nothing more than a simple view of a garden, as seen through the kitchen window of a country cottage with pink walls inside the kitchen. Not very ambitious, I know - but I just wanted to get started with something and I figured that it needed to be a simple scene... Maybe, once I get back into the swing of things, I can try something a little more ambitious? I have wanted for the longest time to be able to paint from memory and also from imagination. Now, just because my printer is out of ink, I have finally been forced to give it a try. This is not even the slightest hint of a shuffle for anyone else - but it is one massive leap for me!!
  2. Originally posted in the forums: May 29 2005, 02:20 AM At the tender young age of 47 years, I've finally decided to have another go at making some art... I was never any good at drawing but, at around age 14, I did once produce what I considered to be a pretty good oil painting of an A4 Pacific- (steam locomotive) hauled train, speeding down the tracks (supposedly! ) on its world record-breaking 126mph run. Having spoken to a few artist friends, I have come to the conclusion that I need to brush-up on my drawing and sketching skills before I can take my art any further. I was touched by Hermes Alegre's story of how, when he was a boy, his mother had to fork out on a blackboard and some chalks for him when he got into a fight with one of his friends. Apparently, his family didn't have enough money to buy paper and pencils so he used to draw by scratching his sketches into the earth. The fight started when his friend erased one of his drawings - as kids do!! :roll: I've bought a couple of books on drawing and I'll be giving you my reviews on these - together with some pretty awful "before" and, hopefully, slightly less awful "after" examples of my attempts at drawing and sketching - when I have finished reading these books and (tried!) to put some of what I have learned into practice. Watch this space! If any one else would like to share their story, tips, suggestions - or comments on mine or others attempts at making art, please feel free to post your comments here or, if you prefer, you can also start your own thread in this forum. Please check-out the top tips for artists and photographers in the Articles section of this site. (The link is in the main Navigation Bar at the to of this page - or in the Main Menu, if you are using a mobile device...)
  3. From the album: Have a go!

    This painting was conceived in my imagination - my first painting ever, that has not been based on a photograph. See the entry regarding this painting on my blog at: A blank sheet of paper springs to life with something from my imagination!
  4. It is a waste of time (and expensive art materials,) in trying to force yourself to paint when you are not in the mood. Here are a few personal tips on getting oneself motivated and finding the time to do some art: 1. Have a source of income other than art, so that you can paint when you feel like it - not just when you need money for food, rent and beer! 2. Have a bit of space, (a spare room, well-lit garage - or even just a corner of the living room if you are not lucky enough to have your own studio,) where you can leave all of your gear out. That way, when the mood strikes, you will not have the bother of getting all your art materials and accoutrements out before you can even start. This is a great way of maximizing your precious painting time... 3. Unplug the computer! 4. Unplug the TV 5. Put on some nice music. 6. Take the dogs for a walk first. Get them tired-out - and then you can concentrate on your art! 7. Open a can of cold beer or a bottle of nice red wine. 8. Get some painting done before you fall asleep!
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